Let’s be honest everyone has questions occasionally—even families that have been here for years! PAC has you covered. Most all you need to know is in the super handy Unofficial Handbook—our parent guide linked above.



  • January 27th, 3:30 pm: PAC Meeting

  • February 2nd, 6pm: Ice Skating @ Downtown Valpo


Once a month we like to treat our staff with goodies to show them some love. Please consider signing up to bring in food for the snack buffet. No background check is necessary. Drop items off at the office on the morning of or email mturner630@gmail.com to make other arrangements. For the month of November we are asking MIDDLE SCHOOL families to donate for Tuesday, Noveber 26th. Monetary donations can be made to Discovery PAC via cash or check in envelops labeled “Teacher Luncheon” or sign up do drop off goods below.


Students may purchase a bag of freshly popped popcorn for $1. All proceeds benefit PAC. Interested in sponsoring part or all of a class? Click below for more info—it’s all online this year!

Popcorn Friday dates for the 2024-25 school year: September 6th, October 4th, November 8th, December 6th, January 10th, February 7th, March 7th, April 4th, and May 2nd!


The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is organized for the purpose of supporting and enhancing the educational experiences of the students of Discovery Charter School by:

1. Providing an organization through which the parents, school, and teachers can work cooperatively;

2. Providing financial support for programs funded outside of the annual school budget. We work directly with administration to provide a family friendly learning environment coordinating volunteers, parties and special events.


Mercy Turner | President | 219-983-2293 | mturner630@gmail.com

Erica Soto | Vice President | 219-728-8668 | ericajs@msn.com

Ben Schoettel | Treasurer | 414-940-8340 | benls1334@gmail.com

Aimee Malinowski | Secretary | 312-519-0611 | aimeemichele78@gmail.com

Jen Wilson | At Large | 219-309-5832 | jenwilson11618@gmail.com