What is a charter school?
Charter schools provide an alternative to traditional public schools. A charter school is a public school and is TUITION FREE. A charter school enrolls students who are interested in a very specific mission and vision.
What are school hours?
School begins at 8:00 am daily. Kindergarten through fifth grade are dismissed at 2:30pm, and 6th through 8th grade are dismissed at 3pm (K-5th students with siblings in Middle School will be released at 3pm).
Is there a tuition to attend Discovery?
Discovery Charter School is a public school, which means we are TUITION FREE.
Do you offer before or after school care?
Before and after school care is provided on site via Kidstop of the Boys and Girls Club of Valparaiso. Visit their website for additional information: https://www.bgcgreaternwi.org/kidstop/
Do Discovery students wear a uniform?
Discovery does have a uniform policy, which is conducive to students being active and outdoors.
Do Discovery students go on field trips?
Learning Experiences - As part of our mission, our students regularly participate in learning experiences that take place outside of the school setting that connect to content that is being taught in the classroom. Families have found that Discovery provides more opportunities for (outside of the classroom) learning experiences than traditional public schools. For example, Kindergarten students visit Coffee Creek at various times throughout the year to identify natural patterns in nature as the seasons change.
Do Discovery students go outside?
As part of our mission, our school’s Naturalist collaborates with teachers on planning outdoor educational opportunities, such as utilizing the outdoor classroom and trails on site that connect with academic content. Our students enjoy eating lunch in our dedicated outdoor lunch space. They also spend recess outside playing in the natural wooded space adjacent to the playground.
How much time do students get for lunch and recess?
Students get 25 minutes of recess and 20 minutes for lunch. Students participate in recess before lunch as studies show it increases appetite and provides a smoother transition back into instruction. Students do go outside year-round for recess.
Do you offer bus service?
The school does NOT provide transportation for students. It is the family’s responsibility to arrange transportation.
How diverse is your school?
Our students come from all over Northwest Indiana including La Porte, Lake, and Porter counties.
What are your technology device usage?
Discovery is not a one-to-one school. However, our students receive weekly technology class from a licensed technology teacher. Our classrooms are equipped with interactive boards, tablets, and our teachers have access to classroom sets of ChromeBooks. These tools are used in coordination with a variety of learning management systems, such as Google Classroom, Star Reading & Math, NWEA, Pearson, PowerSchool, etc.
Does Discovery have a full time nurse?
We do have a full time nurse on staff.
Do you have a school social worker?
We have two full time licensed social workers - one for grades K-4 and one for grades 5-8.
How do I apply to attend Discovery Charter School?
Applications can be found on our website or picked up in the school office. Applications can be emailed, faxed, mailed, or dropped off to the school office.
How does the lottery process work and when is it?
If the number of applications for eligible kindergarten students exceeds the number of open positions a lottery will be held. All eligible students applying for Kindergarten will be entered into the lottery. Siblings of students currently enrolled have preference, so spaces occupied by those students for the 2024-2025 school year will be slated. A drawing will then occur to determine students to be offered positions. Once all of the Kindergarten spaces are filled; the drawing will continue to determine waitlist spaces. The lottery will be held in March. The exact date of the lottery and due date for applications will be posted on the school website at www.discoverycharter.org.
You will be advised via e-mail within 1 business day status of your application which will include either an offer of enrollment or your spot on the waitlist.
Are you tuition free?
Yes, as a public school we are tuition free.
When can I apply and do classes ever fill up?
Applications can be submitted at any time.
K-8 Applications: When an application is received, the student is placed on the age-appropriate grade’s waiting list.
Kindergarten Applications for Upcoming School Year: When an application is received, they are added to the incoming kindergarten pool. If more applications than spots are received, a lottery will be held.
Kindergarten classrooms have 22 students, first grade classrooms have 23 students, and grades 2nd and up have 25 students.
If I am on the waitlist how likely will it be that I get into Discovery?
There is no real predictability for likelihood of acceptance. It varies by grade level. We can only advise that the waitlists continue to grow and change so it is always best to apply immediately.
Is Discovery Charter School accredited?
Discovery is an accredited public charter school authorized by Ball State University, Office of Charter Schools. As a public charter school, we are held to the same standards as traditional public schools/districts, submit the same reports, and take all mandated standardized tests such as ILEARN and IREAD 3.
What is place-based education?
An educational approach which incorporates local and regional partnerships to develop a sense of community and a student's place in it. Wherever and whenever possible, students connect classroom learning to their place. In the younger ages, there is an emphasis on appreciation of the outdoors. For this reason, students go on extended weekly hikes.
What is your Kindergarten curriculum/structure of day?
We currently have 3 sections of Kindergarten with 22 students in each class.
How is the Elementary school day (K-4) organized and what curriculum is used?
3 sections of 1st grade; 3 sections of 2nd grade; 3 sections of 3rd grade; 3 sections of 4th grade
23 students per class in 1st grade, and around 25 students per class grades 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade.
How is the 5th grade school day organized?
3 sections of 5th grade with around 25 students in each class
How is the Middle school (6th-8th) school day organized?
2 sections of 6th grade; 2 sections of 7th grade; and 2 sections of 8th grade.
Currently we offer Reading, Language Arts-Composition; Social Studies; Math; and Science. Students also participate in P.E.; Integrated Technology; Art; STEM; and Music based electives
How can I keep up with my student’s progress?
When can student’s begin to participate in accelerated classes? (HA)
What services are available for students who need support?
My student has an IEP and/or a 504 Plan. Will you admit them?
As a public school we do offer special education services to our students that have an IEP. Generally speaking, a move in meeting will occur within the first ten days of school so that the Case Conference Committee (CCC) team can review the student’s most recent IEP to see if it can be implemented as written or to make the necessary changes as decided by the CCC in order to provide comparable services.
Do you use technology in the classroom?
How well do your students score on standardized tests and ILEARN? needs updated
In the Spring of 2018, 83.6% of students our students passed English Language arts (State Average was 64.1%) and 76.3% of our students passed math (State Average was 58.3%). Discovery Charter School has earned the grade of ‘A’ or 'B' each year of operation from the Indiana Department of Education.
Are all Discovery teachers certified?school website about teacher evaluation and support
Discovery teachers are fully certified teachers.
Art | Music | PE | Technology (Specials)
What classes are offered outside of traditional academic courses?
Students have opportunities in Music, P.E., and Integrated Technology. We currently also offer band to 6th-8th grade students as an after school program. In grades K-5th students have Library and Art on a weekly basis. In grades 6th -8th grade students have Art as part of their specials class rotation in addition to Music, P.E., and Integrated Technology.
Fine Arts | Band | Musical
What Fine Arts opportunities are available to students?
Athletics | Extra-curricular
What clubs do you offer?
Currently we offer 4H, Run Club, Art Club, Girls on the Run, Archery, Science Olympiad, Spell Bowl, Math Bowl, D& D club, Debate Club, Comic Book Club, Student Council and Drama Club. We are regularly looking for additional programs to offer our students.
What sports do you offer?
Basketball, Volleyball and Cross Country