apply here for 2025-2026 kindergarten!
(Waitlist applies as of 2/27/2025)
Kindergarten Lottery
Discovery holds a lottery each spring for the incoming fall kindergarten class. Applications for the upcoming lottery open on November 1st and are accepted until one week prior to the lottery date. The lottery establishes who receives a spot in kindergarten and the initial waitlist. Applications postdated after the lottery admittance deadline are added to the waitlist in the order received.
Discovery Charter School is a free public school open to all eligible candidates subject to space and staff availability. No student or applicant at Discovery Charter School shall, on the basis of ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, income level, disabling condition, proficiency in the English language, or athletic ability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity.
Students residing in the state of Indiana are eligible to attend Discovery Charter School. There are NO in-state geographic boundaries.
A student must be at least five (5) years of age on or before August 1 of the current school year to be eligible for admission into Kindergarten.
Discovery Charter School may give preference to the children of current board members and full-time staff members, but not more than 10% of the student body.
An offer of admission is contingent upon the accuracy of all information provided on the student’s application and throughout the application and admissions process. If the information provided is inaccurate in any material respect, the student’s offer of admission may be revoked.
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Requirements:
The Board of Directors shall establish student entrance requirements which are consistent with Indiana law (IC-20-33-2-7) and sound educational practice and which ensure equitable treatment and proper placement.
Each child of legal settlement shall be eligible for Kindergarten providing that s/he has attained the age of five (5) on or before August 1st. This requirement also shall apply to children who transfer into Discovery Charter School and who may have attended, but not completed, private or public kindergarten in another locality.
If a student turns six (6) on or before August 1st and has not completed kindergarten s/he will be placed in kindergarten unless otherwise requested by the parent or as otherwise determined in accordance with state law. Although it is not required, the Board strongly recommends that a child has attended an accredited kindergarten program before entering first grade.
First Grade
If a child seeking to enroll in first grade has not attended kindergarten, the Superintendent shall make a determination as to whether the student will enroll in kindergarten or first grade based upon the assessment model found in the administrative guidelines.
New Students
Except as provided in A and B above, a New Student is defined as a student who was not enrolled in an accredited school during the previous year. In such cases, the Superintendent shall make a determination as to what grade the student will enroll in based upon the assessment model found in the administrative guidelines.
Transfer Students
A transfer student is defined as a student who is currently enrolled in an accredited school wishing to transfer to Discovery Charter School upon acceptance of an offer of enrollment. Transfer students will be placed in the appropriate grade based on the previous school’s recommendation. Superintendent shall make final determination.
The Superintendent shall establish administrative guidelines which ensure compliance with State Law, proper documentation of birth as well as a certified copy of any custody order and decree, appropriate screening, placement, and periodic assessment of children in kindergarten and first grade programs, certification that proper immunization is completed or in process, and the prompt transfer of records. Any indication that a student might be a missing child should be reported immediately to the Superintendent who, in turn, shall communicate with the appropriate authorities.
Each year a lottery is conducted for available kindergarten spaces not allocated to siblings of currently enrolled students. All kindergarten applications received are treated in the following two ways:
I. Applicants with siblings CURRENTLY enrolled at Discovery and applicants that are children of current staff or board members, are automatically offered a space for the current school year.
II. New applicants to the school, who do not have siblings currently enrolled and are not children of current staff or board members, will participate in a lottery for available space or waitlist position.
III. Please note that in order to be eligible for the lottery, applications must be received by the deadline established for each year. Applications received after the specified deadline will be added to the bottom of the waitlist.
Prior to the lottery, all students will be assigned a random identification number that will be used for the actual lottery. This number will be provided to the family prior to the lottery. This allows us to maintain the privacy of our families during the process.
The following steps are to be taken during the lottery process:
I. The students who have siblings CURRENTLY in the school and those that are the children of current staff or board members, will automatically be assigned to a space. (ie. XXXX space #1)
II. The lottery will take place in the form of the identification numbers being placed in a container that will allow for them to be mixed/shuffled and drawn.
III. A non-affiliated school representative will draw at random.
IV. The identification number will be read and assigned to a space (ie. XXXX space # 22)
V. In the event that a child selected has an UNENROLLED sibling in another grade level, the sibling will be placed on the next available waitlist spot behind waitlisted siblings of students currently enrolled. Note: This may affect overall waitlist status of other students.
VI. In the event that a household has two students (twin or sibling) in the kindergarten lottery – if one student is selected, the other student will AUTOMATICALLY be given the next space on the lottery list. Note: If a twin is selected for the last available space, we will oversubscribe in one class to accommodate the other twin/sibling. This process will continue until all spaces are full.
VII. Once the spaces are filled, the lottery process will continue, and students will be placed on the waitlist in the order selected. (ie. XXXX #1 on the waitlist)
I. Following the lottery, all students selected in the lottery, and those waitlisted will be contacted via e-mail and phone within 1 business day. If a communication is not received within 24 hours of the lottery, it is the family’s responsibility to contact the school.
II. Families will have 5 business days to complete necessary paperwork and turn in all enrollment forms listed on the website in order to reserve their space.
III. IF a family receives a space in the initial lottery, but does NOT meet the aforementioned deadlines, the space will be released and the family will need to REAPPLY for admission and will be placed on the waitlist in the order received.
IV. Vacated spaces will be released to individuals on the waitlist.
V. This process will continue until all classes are full.
VI. It is the responsibility of the family to make sure the school has their correct contact information. If there are any changes to their phone number or email through the enrollment process, they must notify the school office immediately.
You can access the complete Lottery and Waitlist Procedures by clicking here.