Volleyball - Boys & Girls Teams

Boys’ Volleyball

The season will run for approximately 8 weeks with practices on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:15 to 5:00. Games will be weeknights in April & May, exact schedule TBD. Transportation to/from games is not provided.

TRYOUTS: Wednesday, March 19th

3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

Please wear appropriate gym clothing and shoes!

Fill out THIS FORM by Tuesday, March 18th. Also, a SPORTS PHYSICAL must be completed before the first practice.

Questions? Email Coach Roser at jroser@discoverycharter.org or Coach Lombardini at llombardini@discoverycharter.org

6th Grade 2024 FIRST place conference winners!

Girls' Volleyball

Try-outs for 7th and 8th graders will be Tuesday, August 27th after school until 5:00.  Try-outs for 5th and 6th graders will be Wednesday, August 28th after school until 5:00.  Our season will be approximately 12 weeks.  Practices will be Mondays and Fridays for 7th & 8th, and Tuesdays and Wednesdays for 5th & 6th graders,  All students MUST have a signed parent consent form (Google form below) BEFORE attending try-out.  All students MUST have a completed sports physical turned in to Coach Roser by the first practice. 

Questions? Email Coach Roser at jroser@discoverycharter.org

Complete the info/permission form and find additional information here:

Cross Country / Run Club

Fall Cross Country will begin on Thursday, August 22.  Open to all students in grades K-8.  Students in grades K-3 will need a parent/guardian present at all practices. Participants need to complete the info and permission form as well as submit a completed physical form before the first practice. 

Questions? Email discoveryhawks.xc@gmail.com

Complete the info/permission form and find additional information here:


Boys Basketball

Boys' basketball tryouts for 5th - 8th grade will be Thursday, November 21st from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.  

Complete the Permission Form prior to try outs.  Please wear appropriate gym clothing and shoes. 

Hope to see you on the court!

All players trying out should have a physical form prior to tryouts. Students cannot try out without a physical.

Girls Basketball

Girls 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th basketball tryouts will be held Nov. 25 from 5:30-7:30pm. All players trying out should have a physical form prior to tryouts. Students cannot try out without a physical.

Questions: Contact Coach Gonzalez at josephgonzalez21@gmail.com

  • We will have two teams that will consist of 5-6 grade girls and another team made of 7-8 grade girls with 20 spots total. The keys to making either of the teams is:

    Attitude: Having a positive mental attitude, the ability to focus for two hours and respect for themselves and adults.

    Basic basketball skills: Dribbling, passing and shooting the ball. - If your child cannot shoot the ball over the rim, then start practicing now to increase strength and confidence in time for tryouts.

    Grades: Grades are a priority and being on the team is a benefit not a right. Students with low grades will not play.

  • Between now and tryouts, please make sure your student is working hard in the classroom and improving in areas that they need help in. Grades are always the number one priority at Discovery. Athletes must have a C or higher to be eligible to play.

  • Discovery athletes are held to a higher standard of behavior and represent the school in and outside of our walls. There will be a zero tolerance for behavioral issues which can result in missing games or removal from the team.

  • Games will be coordinated closer to the start of the season. We will try to play as many games as possible. Practices will take place after school and based on the coach's schedules and will range from 2-3 nights per week. Once the season starts there may be less practice but our time will be replaced with games.
