Discovery Development
Discovery is a tuition-free public charter school that receives funding from the Indiana Department of Education. Unlike a traditional public school, we do not benefit from local tax dollars so we rely on our per pupil allocation from the state of Indiana to operate. Because of this, we have a Development Team that works to supplement our state support as we Engage, Discover, and Grow.
The Discovery Development Fund is a yearly fundraising effort designed to augment state funding and other revenue sources in realizing additional development goals for our school and our students. The Development Fund may also be used to offset any deficits in funding to reach a balanced operating budget.
How much should I give?
Only you can decide what your Development Fund gift should be. Gifts to the Development Fund can range from $1 to $25,000. They can be one time gifts or as frequent as one wants to donate. The number of Discovery families participating may also be used as leverage to enhance grant opportunities from corporations and foundations. Every gift, of every size, makes a difference.
Where do Development Fund dollars go?
Development Fund contributions are crucial to Discovery’s long term success as they help to maintain its financial strength and flexibility from year to year. Contributions to the Development Fund support our ever growing student body. The Development Fund is a key source of expendable support that impacts virtually everything and everyone on campus. In this respect, current Discovery students are the most direct and immediate beneficiaries of all Development Fund gifts.
Why is the Development Fund necessary to balance the budget?
Discovery Charter School needs a certain amount of financial flexibility in order to operate on a daily basis, to achieve all of its goals, and to create the Discovery experience. Because there are no tuition fees and state funding does not cover the school's annual operating budget, other sources of funding are critical to long term sustainability and growth. Additionally, the bonds that were used in 2016 to fund our building expansion become due in 2025. This means we will begin paying not only interest but also principal, which all will come from the general fund dollars we receive from the State of Indiana. Discovery has to also maintain our building and utilize our campus for expansion and growth. The Discovery Development Fund allows us to do that.
Why give to the Development Fund ?
We ask that the first gift that you make to Discovery each year be a gift or pledge to the Development Fund. Donating to the Development Fund supports nearly every aspect of the Discovery education and enriches the intellectual, social, and personal development of every student, every day.
Thank you for your continued support. If you are interested in donating today, we have two easy options which can be found below.
Via web-browser
Via Text
Text “discovery” to 366283.
Keep scrolling to see our current and past Development Team projects!
In the fall of 2021, Discovery Charter School launched the Building for Our Future Brick-by-Brick fundraising project. This project allowed families to purchase engraved bricks to be added to a new sun sail paver space on our playground. This space allows another outdoor space for our teachers and students to gather outdoors. Click here to purchase your brick!
If you are a business interested in purchasing a brick, click here!
Discovery Barn Renovation Project
Currently, Discovery Charter School is in the midst of a barn renovation project The barn renovation will create an additional classroom meeting space. In the fall of 2020, we were able to install a new roof and clean out the inside of the barn. Now, we are in the process of renovating the space to extend learning outside for our students and staff!
Proposed plan below.
Previous Discovery Development Projects