Support Staff
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Mrs. Amy Coates
Reading Specialist
Teaching Experience: 8 years of experience as a teacher and Special Education Director
Education: BA in Elementary Education with a Minor in Learning Disabilities from Purdue University, Masters in Counseling and Art Therapy
Hobbies: When I am not doing kid stuff with my 4 kids, I enjoy traveling, reading, hiking and making art.
Quote: “If life were predictable, it would cease to be life, and without flavor.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
Mrs. jill roser
Math Specialist
Teaching Experience: 8 years
Education: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at Saint Joseph’s College
Hobbies: Reading, playing volleyball
Quote: “If you can dream it, you can do it” -Walt Disney
Mrs. Tracy Anderson
Language Arts Instructional Assistant
ext. 20172
Teaching Experience: Sign Language Interpreter for five years. RtI Reading for 10 years.
Education: Vincennes University Associate of Science Degree
Hobbies: I am the Sport’s Director for Porter County Special Olympics. Love watching my boys play sports.
Personal Hero: My boys are my hero’s. Their accomplishments make me so proud!
Mrs. Kim Miller
K Instructional Assistant
Mrs. Martha Gallup
1st Grade Instructional Assistant
Mrs. christy cawthra
4th-5th Grade Instructional Assistant
Mrs. kristen walters
3rd-4th Grade Instructional Assistant