Virtual Instruction Information and Resources

Please click on the below resources for more information on virtual instruction schedules and onsite days/specials.

Virtual Instruction Overview Video

Virtual Instruction Schedules (pdf) - (Updated with MS changes 8/14/2020)

Attendance Overview

Arrival and Dismissal Overview Video

Arrival and Dismissal Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Discovery Tech Help / Google Resources

Duneland Boys & Girls Club Information


Discovery Charter School Meet and Greet

Who is invited: Discovery Charter School's students accompanied by 1 parent/guardian

What to expect: Students will have a chance to meet their teacher (s), collect instructional materials and supplies, and have the opportunity to check out a Chromebook if needed.  During Remote Learning, families can keep all school supplies at home with them. 

Where: Discovery Charter School Classrooms

When: August 12th-14th *Please sign up for one time using the classroom links below.  Middle school students should sign up with their homeroom teacher and plan to circulate through classrooms approximately every five minutes. 

Please remember:

  • No one should be on school grounds if they are currently diagnosed with COVID-19, is experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, or has had direct contact with a person with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 diagnosis. 

  • All students and parent/guardians will be required to wear a face covering (cloth covering that securely covers the mouth and nose) while in the building.

  • Any families that are either unable to attend or prefer not to attend Meet and Greet should contact their student(s) teacher to arrange a time to pick up materials from the main office.

Virtual Instruction Information

July 28, 2020

Discovery Families, 

Thank you for your continued patience as we have worked on finalizing our fall reentry plan.  As we shared previously, Discovery Charter School strives to provide an environment that allows all students to excel academically while considering the needs of the whole child.  

On Monday night, our Board of Directors approved Discovery to begin the year in Plan C, Remote Learning for all students.  This means that Discovery will be providing the Virtual Instruction as described in the information shared with families on Saturday.

Additionally, August 12th, 13th, and 14th will not be instructional days, rather they will be used as scheduled Meet and Greet days.  The first day of instruction will be Monday, August 17th.

We will be providing additional information such as virtual instruction schedules, class lists, Meet and Greet sign up information and more in the near future.

Thank you for your understanding as we continue to work through these challenging times.

July 25, 2020

Discovery Families,

We understand there have been a lot of questions regarding what virtual instruction will look like in the fall and whether or not it will be different than how it was implemented at the end of the 2020 school year.  While planning for the fall, we have considered feedback from our entire Discovery school community.  Our goal is to provide a virtual learning experience that is equivalent to the traditional learning environment to the fullest extent possible. 

If Discovery is in a full remote (Plan C) setting, virtual instruction will include the following three components:

·         Virtual Live Instruction

·         Virtual Small Group Check-Ins

·         Onsite Experiences

Additional details regarding the three virtual instruction components can be found below.


Each class will participate in one special each week.  This will be done remotely, with a second meeting time for each class during that same week.  Each week, all classes will rotate to a new special.  Example: Miss Gustafson’s Kindergarten Class Specials Schedule could be:

Week 1: Gym

Week 2: Technology

Week 3: Music

Discovery Charter School believes in educating the whole child while continuing to strive for academic excellence.  This is why we are planning and preparing this possible return option, virtual instruction, to include optional onsite experiences for our students.

We would like to thank you again for your patience as we work through our fall reentry. 

If you have any questions regarding the three components of virtual instruction, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Discovery Administration Team.


Mr. Ernesto F. Martinez, Superintendent

Mrs. Pamela S. Moore, Principal

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