Due to COVID-19 we do not currently have information on after school clubs for 2020 - 2021 school year. Once we have updated information, we will share it with families. Keep scrolling below to see the opportunities that were available in previous years.
4H Trackers
Discovery Trackers 4-H Club is open to students K-12th grades. We meet every first Tuesday of the month at Chesterton's Baugher Center, 5:30-6:30.
Contact Annette Hansen for more information 219-241-7431, fairymama16@gmail.com.
Like us on Facebook @Trackers4H
Science Bowl
Science Bowl is an academic competition sponsored by the Indiana Association of School Principals for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. Topics rotate each year among life science, chemistry, physical science, and engineering. Each year students are assigned an experiment or lab exercise to be completed before the competition in late January. Experiments have included working with osmosis, exothermic and endothermic reactions, changes in soil temperature, simple machines, and extracting DNA from a banana! The competition consists of three online tests that are taken during school hours by the team or individual team members in late January. The team typically practices on Thursday afternoons between October and January.
Coach: Mrs. Pavlovic
Archery Club
Join the Discovery Archery Club and learn archery techniques, practice shooting arrows, learn range safety and the history of archery!
Club meets each week on Friday starting September 20th from 4:00 - 5:00.
Location: Discovery Charter School gym
Coaches: National Archery in the Schools Program archery instructors - Mrs. Byrt, Mrs. Pavlovic, Mr. Frankowski, and Mr. Underwood
Sign Up: Participation is limited to 20 students. Due to the limit, priority will be given to the first 10 (total) 5th/6th graders that submit, and the first 10 (total) 7th/ 8th graders that submit applications. Additional spots will be made available for 4th graders if the maximum number of 20 students is not reached, so 4th graders may submit as well.
Please do not send your student to Archery Club unless you receive confirmation from Mrs. Byrt that your student is enrolled. Enrollment will close on or before September 18th. A waiver form and safety rules form will be emailed to you and must be returned by the 19th in order for your child to participate.
Art Club
Art Teacher, Mrs. Hansen organizes Art Club for Discovery students! The club will focus on our 'Community of Art'.
Members will participate in art contests and exhibits, make arts/crafts, and take part in local art events.
This 45 minute club will meet once a month.
The club is divided into Jr. and Sr. divisions. Students meet in Discovery’s Art Kitchen.
Students should watch the dismissal board for the ART CLUB announcement before leaving their classrooms.
Pick up your student promptly at the end of Art Club from the main circle driveway.
A personal email will tell you what to expect each month.
Parents with a background check are invited to assist the group.
All Art Club participants MUST have a completed form on file with Mrs. Hansen in order to attend.
No snacks or drinks please.
If you feel your student will have trouble with transitions, please plan to attend with them (adults must have current background check).
Contact Annette Hansen 219-241-7431 ahansen@discoverycharter.org
Jr Art Club (K-2nd) meetings: (subject to change)
9/23/19, 10/21, 11/18, 12/9, 1/13/20, 2/10, 3/9, 4/13, 5/11
K-2nd Sign Up Form
Sr. Art Club (3rd-8th) meetings: (subject to change)
9/30/19, 10/28, 11/25, 12/16, 1/27/20, 2/24, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18
3rd-8th Sign Up Form
Coding & Technology Club
Purdue Extension – Porter County is partnering with Discovery Charter School to host 4-H Coding & Technology Club for kids in grades 2-5 once a month after school as a part of our STEM initiative with local schools. Join us for a fun after-school opportunity to work with cutting-edge tools!
Please see the attached information letter and form. Registration is limited to first 15 students.
Any questions, please contact Brooke Sauter at BrookeSauter@purdue.edu.
Comic Book Club Discussion and Anaylsis
In this club students in grades 5th - 8th will learn about the history, structure, and influence of comics on culture. They will have the opportunity to study characters, storylines, and artwork from a variety of sources. Students will also discuss different ways comic book storylines have been shown through movies, TV shows, games, etc. Students will be discussing and viewing more graphic content such as violence and adult language.
The club will start September 24th, and will meet every other Tuesday from 4:00- 5:00 until May 26th.
For more information, please contact Mr. Underwood at nunderwood@discoverycharter.org
Comic Book Club Writing, Drawing, and Creation
In this club students in grades 3rd -8th will learn about the structure and creation of comics. They will have the opportunity to study plot points, art styles and character development. Students will use this information to create their own storylines, characters, and comics.
The club will start September 17th, and will meet every other Tuesday from 4:00- 5:00 until May 19th.
For more information, please contact Mr. Underwood at nunderwood@discoverycharter.org
Creative Writing Club
Creative Writing Club is for middle school students with a passion for writing. It is meant to help provide students with a creative outlet as well as challenge them to think outside the box and write in different styles and formats. Creative Writing Club members will also act as editors for Discovery's first "literary website" that will function as an online version of a literary magazine that spotlights the most creative and well-written pieces Discovery has to offer. They will help make selections to be featured on the website from school-wide submissions as well as make revisions to the student work prior to publishing.
For more information see the attached sign up form or contact Mrs. Bowman at rbowman@discoverycharter.org
Fall Spanish Club
The Fall session will run from Tuesday, September 10 through Thursday, December 19 (15 weeks for those meeting on Tuesdays and 13 weeks for those meeting on Thursdays (due to scheduled time off for fall break and Thanksgiving). The Tuesday class is geared to returning students. New students will best fit in the Thursday class. There is some flexibility in placement to accommodate schedules; please contact soyvidian@aol.com to discuss placement or other questions. Sign up form is attached.
Class Time FOR TUESDAY GROUP (returning Spanish students): Tuesdays - -3:45 - 4:45
Girl Scouts
Grades K - 3rd
Troop Leader: Christi Spears christi.spears77@gmail.com
Meeting Day: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, beginning November 6th from 2:00 - 3:30 pm
Troop Leader: Stephanie Lenckos stephanielenckos@outlook.com
Meeting Day: Every other Friday
4th & 5th Grade Math Bowl
Do you enjoy Math? If so, or if you would like to learn more about math, tryout for the Math Bowl Team. Math Bowl tryouts will be held on Monday, November 18th for all fourth and fifth grade students. Practices will take place on Mondays from 4-4:45. The competition will be on Tuesday, April 14th, 2020.
Please see Mrs. Essany or Mrs. Williams for more details and a registration form.
Spell Bowl
Staff Member(s): Mrs. Taylor (ktaylor@discoverycharter.org), Mrs. Peterson (hpeterson@discoverycharter.org)
Please stop by Mrs. Taylor's classroom to pickup a Spell Bowl Application.
Club Meeting Day: Monday
Club is available for students in grades: 4th, 5th, 6th
Maximum number of students that can sign up: 12
Yearbook Club
Staff Member: Mrs. Taylor (ktaylor@discoverycharter.org)
Club Overview: Calling all creative students! I want YOU for yearbook club! Students will be trained on how to use the online yearbook design program, then partnered up to design a yearbook spread. In addition to designing pages, students also help out with other yearbook-related tasks, including selling yearbooks, photography, working on promotions, and eventually yearbook distribution. If you are interested, pick up an application from Mrs. Taylor and return it by Wednesday, September 10th. Late applications will NOT BE considered.
Club Meeting Day: The day is TBD. Meetings will be held from 4:00-4:30. As the yearbook deadline approaches, we may need to meet more than once per week, or longer than our scheduled time. This club runs from October through mid-March.
Club is available for students in grades: 4th-8th
Maximum number of students that can sign up: 10
Young Rembrandts
Inspire your child’s love of art with Young Rembrandts. Our lessons will teach children how to transform simple shapes into clever characters. Our bright, engaging drawings will develop color & pattern theory, enhance creativity, and improve fine motor skills.
Enroll now - Space is Limited!
Any questions please email nwindiana@youngrembrandts.com